Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Happy New Year's Eve

As we've done for many, many years, Rick and I spent our New Year's Eve at home enjoying each other's company and a good home-cooked meal. We wouldn't have much fun at a noisy, boisterous, hectic celebration, so it's a good thing we like each other so much. Rick barbequed carne asada, pasilla chiles, and jalapenos. I made buttered pasta with green squash and myzithra cheese. You may not think it sounds good, but we loved it!

We spent the day loading the motorhome for our trip to Indio and Quartzsite. We're going to meet up with friends we've made throughout this past year and we are soooo looking foward to being in our Mobile Fishing Lodge once again (even if we won't be anywhere near a river or lake).

After dinner we watched a movie I'd recorded on the DVR (Bridge to Terabithia, if you're curious) and then started looking at the New Year celebrations around the world. Lots of money spent on fireworks! Rick and I talked about the wonderful adventures we'd had this last year, and as Rick said, "We lived it up." We spent the year traveling up the west coast and at least 100 glorious summer days on the banks of our favorite river, fly fishing to our heart's content. Although we had a couple of personal "speed bumps" along the way, we were safe and healthy and did exactly what we had planned to do for so many years. It was nice to reflect back tonight with Rick on what we did and what we're planning for 2009. We both are feeling a renewed energy for what is to come. We wish you a similar positive energy for 2009. May it be a good year!


  1. Well, if that doesn't look like our place in Jackson Hole, I'll eat my hat!! Is that right out front where the campfire was located or further up stream? Where did you take the picture??? Would be nice to go back there without any people around in the summer!!!

  2. It is your old place in Jackson Hole and it's just a little up river from the campfire and log seats. The photo was taken with a 35mm film camera and I scanned the photo years ago. I should go back through all those old photos and scan them so I can keep them and share them. This isn't the small stream that fed the pond, this is the one we had to cross to get to the Snake River. That was a beautiful place with lots of good memories.


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Fish On!


Florence, Oregon coastal area

Writing and photography copyright Rick & Mic GoneFishin © 2007-2010 unless otherwise indicated. You may not copy or otherwise reproduce any of this material without prior written permission. All rights reserved.