Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Being on Vacation vs Retirement

The difference between being on vacation and being retired is that when you're retired you have more time to be on vacation.

I came up with that one on my own the other day when it was rainy and cold. We were sitting in our warm motorhome (how many times have I said that lately?), and we were watching the other fishermen in the campground getting ready to go fishing. They were putting on waders, jackets and raincoats and they were going fishing come rain or come shine. They were only here for a couple of days, either on vacation or here for the weekend, and they only had these few days to fish and enjoy themselves.

We on the other hand, are on permanent vacation. So when it's raining and cold and windy, we don't have to go fishing. We can just live our life like "there's always tomorrow", as Rick likes to say. Actually, one of our mottos has always been "Live for today, plan for tomorrow" because you really never know if there will be a tomorrow. Another one of our mottos is "There's more to life than money", although I say "Money makes the world go 'round". Another one Rick used to say, when we were working, is "You better enjoy what you're doing. If not, go find something you like to do."

I don't know how I got sidetracked with life mottos, but perhaps you've got some of your own.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs have more fun!!!
    Just kidding..I loved Clover, the Wonder Dog Puzzle because he can say that he's famous now! What a cute picture!! Yea for Clover!


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Florence, Oregon coastal area

Writing and photography copyright Rick & Mic GoneFishin © 2007-2010 unless otherwise indicated. You may not copy or otherwise reproduce any of this material without prior written permission. All rights reserved.