Monday, June 16, 2008

We've got our Groove back!

It's been a year since we've fished, any fishing, and fly fishing especially is sort of a skill. Well, it is a skill and one that improves the more you practice. It's a physical activity, one that requires some knowledge of entomology and stream topology, along with quick reflexes, timing, good polaroid sunglasses, and a little luck. Well our first day of fly fishing was OK. In fact we both saw many fish and hooked many fish, but only brought one or two to the landing net. What's the saying? "The worst day of fishing is better than the best day at work." Our first day fishing was a good day that got us warmed up. Not our feet, but our reflexes.

The second day of fishing was what flyfisherpeople hope for. Warm weather, natural surroundings, lots of fish and not many people. We figured out what the fish were feeding on and imitated with size 20 nymphs (like a tiny piece of rice), we could see the fish holding in their feeding lanes (currents where the food floats in), and our reflexes had improved since the first day.

I took some time to sit on the grassy bank taking in the hillsides and used my camera on something other than fish. I hope to get some pix of the beautiful birds that make Montana their home.


  1. I am so glad to see the two of you enjoying life & enjoying the photos...and I have to ask.. Who caught the bigger fish??

  2. There's no competition between fishin' buddies. (HA!) Rick always gives me the best flies and the best fishing spot. We both catch lots of big fish.


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Fish On!


Florence, Oregon coastal area

Writing and photography copyright Rick & Mic GoneFishin © 2007-2010 unless otherwise indicated. You may not copy or otherwise reproduce any of this material without prior written permission. All rights reserved.