Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's Just Not The Same Since You Left

We Miss Our Friends

We've met some great people while waiting for the service to get finished on our motorhome. If we had been in and out of here in a short time we wouldn't have met them, so it makes it worthwhile. Bob & Jerry, Jim & Kris, Tom & Jo, John & Linda, Ron & Becky, Harry, and many others who's name I don't know or remember. Most of you have moved on down the road, but we shared some very good meals, good glasses of wine, yummy happy hours, and pleasurable conversations. Having nice people around made the time fun and memorable.

While waiting in the reception area we've spent most of our time using our laptops, reading and crocheting. It's interesting to hear other's stories, experiences, and why they are here. Some are here because their refrigerators don't work, some need body work & paint repairs, and some have water leaks. Probably the most unusual was the couple that had 3 turkeys fly across the road and hit their motorhome, resulting in thousands of dollars in damages. (Note to self - start writing down all the strange and unusual stories.) We've learned that getting the needed parts shipped from other locations takes a very loooong time. Having a roof or side wall removed and rebuilt takes a loooong time. Surprisingly, getting body damage fixed and new paint happens fairly quickly - usually within a couple days.

We've seen many motorhomes with body damage, scrapes and dents. Low posts and trees are the enemy of motorhomes. When backing up or going around corners we need to be on the lookout for obstacles jumping out at us, barriers that sneak up on us, and low hanging eaves that reach out to grab us. No matter how careful we try to be, I think it's inevitable that something will happen to these huge homes-on-wheels. At least I know that work can be done to make it look brand new again.

Some people are curious about our laptops and what we're doing with them. We're happy to share what we know. We've discussed Internet air cards, cell phones, printers, scanners, laptops, software, XP vs Vista, free email providers, and booster antennas. We've helped some move their email to gmail, which is free and saved them $60 per month. We've offered "classes" that I jokingly called 'The Blog You Never Knew You Needed' and showed many how to sign on and navigate the website 'iRV2.com'. It's rewarding to help others learn and enjoy something new.

Even though we are now into our 4th week here, people say we are still in a good mood, have positive attitudes, are calm, and appear stress-free. Some say our good mood has rubbed off on them. Getting upset that it's taken this long doesn't make the technicians work any faster. In fact, the techs are concerned about us and sorry that we are still here instead of on the coast.

It's nice to think we've helped some people as much as they've helped us. Actually, I think they've helped us more than we've helped them. Our gain.

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Florence, Oregon coastal area

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